English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "prescient" is om kennis te hê van gebeurtenisse voordat dit plaasvind; versiendheid of heldersiendheid hê. Dit verwys na die vermoë om toekomstige gebeure of tendense waar te neem of te voorspel. 'n Persoon wat vooruitstrewend is, is in staat om dinge wat waarskynlik in die toekoms sal gebeur te antisipeer en voor te berei, gebaseer op hul insig of intuïsie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Time and again, Prometheus had walked here in his prescient trances, half-aware of the marmoreal temples and grandiose Olympian halls that would limn this peak.
  2. Oh, she was not given much for prescient dreams or visions of the past, as some blessed with the Sight were.
  3. He just knew, with a prescient certainty born of the Sight.