English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "besit" is om eienskappe of kenmerke te hê wat vooraf 'n gunstige indruk of aantrekkingskrag skep. Dit verwys na iets of iemand wat bekoorlik, aangenaam of aantreklik is, dikwels op 'n manier wat onmiddellik 'n mens se aandag of belangstelling vasvang. 'n Besitlike persoon of ding word dikwels beskryf as aantreklik, boeiend of boeiend, en dit is geneig om 'n positiewe en blywende indruk te maak op diegene wat dit teëkom.

Sentence Examples

  1. His glance was keen but showed cunning rather than intelligence his lips were straight, and so thin that, as they closed, they were drawn in over the teeth his cheek-bones were broad and projecting, a never-failing proof of audacity and craftiness while the flatness of his forehead, and the enlargement of the back of his skull, which rose much higher than his large and coarsely shaped ears, combined to form a physiognomy anything but prepossessing, save in the eyes of such as considered that the owner of so splendid an equipage must needs be all that was admirable and enviable, more especially when they gazed on the enormous diamond that glittered in his shirt, and the red ribbon that depended from his button-hole.
  2. His tail, you perceive, is held aloft by his two principal concubines, Elline and Argelais and his whole appearance would be infinitely prepossessing, were it not for the protuberance of his eyes, which will certainly start out of his head, and the queer color of his face, which has become nondescript from the quantity of wine he has swallowed.
  3. Attracted by his prepossessing appearance, he renewed his offers of an engagement to Dantès but Dantès, who had his own projects, would not agree for a longer time than three months.
  4. They are very picturesque, but do not look prepossessing.