English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorgevoel" is 'n sterk gevoel of gevoel dat iets, tipies onaangenaam, in die toekoms gaan gebeur. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n vooraf waarskuwing of voorstelling van 'n toekomstige gebeurtenis. Voorgevoelens word dikwels as 'n psigiese of intuïtiewe verskynsel beskou, en kan as 'n vae gevoel, 'n droom of 'n visie ervaar word.


  1. forewarning

Sentence Examples

  1. Somehow, after a premonition, I always knew which way to go.
  2. Her astonishing performance, pontificating about other criminal cases and their potential link to an assassination-style slaying of Dryden, had more than a flavour of premonition to it.
  3. He wondered why he was only able to get glimpses of some of the events in his dream, and whether or not they were actually future events, like some sort of premonition, or if it was all just a coincidence.
  4. Christie chose to believe it was sweat interacting with the air conditioning and not a premonition.
  5. Staggering off a table, I turned and tried to find the warrior who had given me the horrifying premonition.
  6. Heaving a sigh of relief, I played with the possibility of telling Jason about my premonition.
  7. While I was resolute in my decision to spend the rest of my life devoted to protecting others, I was still working on forgiving myself for ignoring a premonition.
  8. But after a month on the job I had a premonition during my shift and went AWOL from the drive-up window during a Saturday night rush hour.
  9. The premonition that stirred me out of my deep sleep, compelled me to dress and find my way to the East Tower, suggested I might never have the opportunity offered to me again.
  10. Yet, he had the premonition that, due to the prover-bial female aversion for fast-track procedures, which would have been done in a jiffy indeed had it been up to the men, such an extraction was anything but a formal procedure.