English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "voorbedagsaam" is: (van 'n aksie, misdaad of plan) wat vooraf uitgedink of beplan is. Dit verwys na iets wat vooraf beplan of met voorbedagte rade was voordat dit uitgevoer is. Die woord "met voorbedagte rade" impliseer dikwels dat die aksie met 'n doelbewuste en bewuste bedoeling of motief gedoen is. Dit kan gebruik word om 'n reeks aksies te beskryf, van 'n moord met voorbedagte rade tot 'n grap met voorbedagte rade.

Sentence Examples

  1. The mob had seemed too angry and their rage too spontaneous to have been a premeditated attack.
  2. She could have simply wiped the handle clean, or if premeditated, she would have worn gloves.
  3. The murder was therefore impulsive rather than premeditated.
  4. In proof of this we have signed this paper to establish the truth of the facts, lest the moment should arrive when either of the actors in this terrible scene should be accused of premeditated murder or of infringement of the laws of honor.
  5. When we think of the absence of a clear motive or network of established relationships between the perp and any of his victims, this crime had to be premeditated.
  6. There is no statute of limitations for premeditated murder.