English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "prehistories" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: wat verband hou met of die tydperk voor geskrewe rekords aandui.Met ander woorde, die term prehistories verwys na 'n tyd of era voor die uitvinding van skryfwerk, toe historiese gebeure nie in geskrewe vorm opgeteken is nie. Hierdie tydperk word algemeen beskou as strek vanaf die vroegste menslike bestaan tot die koms van geskrewe taal, wat in verskillende streke van die wêreld op verskillende tye plaasgevind het. Prehistoriese tye word dikwels geassosieer met die gebruik van klipgereedskap, jag- en versamel-leefstyle, en die opkoms van vroeë menslike beskawings.

Sentence Examples

  1. Just out of the shower, neck deep in prehistoric societies and Italian family history, bellowing altered lyrics to Waylon Jennings at the mirror.
  2. But then he saw a single ginkgo, his favorite, most of its prehistoric leaves still on, defiant inside the dark loops of knee-high protective ironwork.
  3. They were the only signs of human life which I could see, save only those prehistoric huts which lay thickly upon the slopes of the hills.
  4. When you are once out upon its bosom you have left all traces of modern England behind you, but, on the other hand, you are conscious everywhere of the homes and the work of the prehistoric people.
  5. He has been excavating a barrow at Long Down and has got a prehistoric skull which fills him with great joy.
  6. The next morning, I was ready to leave the sleazy motel and its prehistoric cockroaches for good.
  7. They took a side road to a back road to a dirt road to a track to an empty cabin in a dark forest that looked and felt prehistoric.
  8. Our prehistoric friends were not interested in still life interpretations.
  9. Prehistoric man lived thickly on the moor, and as no one in particular has lived there since, we find all his little arrangements exactly as he left them.
  10. These hairy, prehistoric humans, to whom we give little thought or intelligence, could interpret the details of galloping animals.