English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorbarig" is: die vertoon van volwasse eienskappe op 'n buitengewoon vroeƫ ouderdom; gevorderd of begaafd verder as 'n mens se jare; voortydig ontwikkel in geestelike aanleg of talente.

Sentence Examples

  1. Precocious young children dressed in Ralph Lauren.
  2. Misguided Through decay of years you have seen us depart from your haven washing our youthful hands of you your word once signified to us a scepter of truth has been tempered to endorse our iniquities Petty rituals endeavor to serve as your alter but reciting hail marys cannot deliver our souls We still have not learned that our spirits will not be freed on account of obedience to ceremonial rules Only a Girl He said if I returned to him then he would return to me but I am only a worm of a girl yet he speaks as though life was like taking small breaths as simple as birds I suppose if I spoke like pearls walked on prudent feet penciled my hands sterling silver I could be that sunset for you the lash of sky across your Nevada If only I followed you with earnest I would not shake like December limbs or fetter my wings with snow through you I am moved to become the woman I should be Lifeboat I was too precocious for autumn, too benign for moon.
  3. I judged then that the children of that time were extremely precocious, physically at least, and I found afterwards abundant verification of my opinion.
  4. They had been, so it seemed to him, proud and precocious words with a smile, he remembered them.
  5. They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens.
  6. Allan took much pride in the captivating, precocious lad.
  7. An act of so much precipitancy and presumption would seal the downfall of precocious intellect forever.