English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "onveilig" is: op 'n manier wat nie veilig vasgehou word nie of in 'n posisie wat nie veilig is nie; op 'n wyse wat waarskynlik sal ineenstort of misluk; op 'n manier wat onseker is of van toeval afhanklik is. Dit kan ook beteken op 'n manier wat gevaarlik of riskant gebalanseer of geposisioneer is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The glass of brandy rested precariously atop one knee.
  2. Her massive glasses had slipped and were precariously balanced on her nose making her look like a drunk owl with a question.
  3. There was no order to them and some jars balanced precariously on top of each other.
  4. It still dipped precariously close to the tipping point as Lance finally swung a leg over the side and rolled in.
  5. It teetered precariously towards the ceiling, and though it was made of a mass jumble of various animals, there was no mistaking the small pile of round, clearly human skulls stacked neatly around the base.
  6. Lance swiveled precariously on his wounded foot, twisting around to get to the armored truck.
  7. Losing his balance, he fell backward into a tall bookshelf, making it rock precariously.
  8. I wondered if the spiral notebooks stacked precariously on a small desk contained his written music and lyrics.
  9. His fingertips stopped precariously low on my waistline.
  10. People sat with plates perched precariously on their laps.