English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van "aangedryf" is "bedryf of gedryf deur 'n bepaalde kragbron". Dit verwys na iets wat van energie of dryfkrag van 'n eksterne bron voorsien word. Byvoorbeeld, 'n motor word deur 'n enjin aangedryf, 'n rekenaar word deur elektrisiteit aangedryf en 'n flitslig word deur batterye aangedryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. I flipped a breaker on the electric panel, which I had installed along with outlets, switches, and lighting, powered by a cable from the house lying on the ground.
  2. She powered up the test stand, verified current through the electrical contacts, and cycled through the boxes.
  3. While my laptop powered up I spread out my research notes, and refilled my coffee.
  4. Faint starlight illuminated the ridge as they powered up, with Bradan taking long strides, yet gasping from the effort.
  5. He said it powered his spells better than anything else.
  6. Although steam powered robots worked as chefs and hi-tech cleaning droids clunked up and down the stairs, the Novices still had to help out too.
  7. Opening the sluice gates, focusing the flow powered numerous Pneumatikoi.
  8. It showed some level of ingenuity by the cultists to have figured out how to keep them powered.
  9. Although controlled by the driver, roads were powered by the city grid.
  10. She opened the office box and pulled out cords and cables, then lifted the computer monitor and the minitower out, and had everything powered up in fifteen minutes.