English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "poskaart" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n reghoekige stuk dun karton of dik papier wat gebruik word om kort boodskappe te skryf en te pos. Dit het gewoonlik 'n prentjie aan die een kant en spasie vir 'n boodskap, adres en posseël aan die ander kant. Poskaarte word dikwels gebruik om groete, reisopdaterings of ander kort boodskappe te stuur terwyl jy op reis is of weg van die huis af.


  1. mailing-card
  2. post card
  3. postal card

Sentence Examples

  1. She did, however, get a postcard from Jane Barnaby, who just finished her first year at Oxford and is apparently doing very well.
  2. Around Christmas time, to rub salt in the wounds, murder squad detectives received a postcard from Spain.
  3. It would make a good feature in a streetscape postcard too, were it not for that ostentatious monstrosity of a house next door, with its oversized windows, grey stone quoining and tiled front yard a house built with an abundance of cash and a paucity of style.
  4. Danny bought comic books and a postcard to send to his sister, Sara.
  5. It would have been a postcard perfect scene, if not for the windows.