English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "posisie" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Die plek waar iemand of iets geleë is.'n Bepaalde manier waarop iemand of iets geplaas of geleë is.'n Bepaalde werk of rol wat iemand in 'n organisasie of groep het.'n Standpunt of mening oor 'n bepaalde kwessie.'n Rang of status in 'n sosiale, professionele of organisatoriese hiërargie.'n Postuur of liggaamlike houding.'n Toestand of omstandighede waarin iemand hulself bevind.Sommige Algemene frases en idiome wat met die woord "posisie" verband hou, sluit in "neem 'n posisie" (om 'n standpunt of standpunt oor 'n spesifieke saak uit te spreek), "in posisie" (op die regte plek of rangskikking), "uit posisie" (nie op die regte plek of rangskikking), en "jokkie vir posisie" (om mee te ding of te maneuver vir 'n voordelige posisie).

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan was unable to look away, as the hooded head slowly rose from its bowed position to face him.
  2. Next thing I knew, I was pinned in a restraining position, flat on my stomach with my hands behind my back.
  3. I managed to push myself to a sitting position on the bed.
  4. She invited me back to talk about the changes happening at Memorial Library, then had me meet with your father to discuss the position.
  5. I went home only to find my father locked in his study and not in a position to talk.
  6. You could nab a similar position at a magazine or become a newspaper travel editor, and lord knows I tried getting on at Southern Living and the Times-Picayune travel section for years.
  7. The thought broke into her calm for a second, but vanished when Arantay readjusted her position.
  8. I tried to shift position, but it was impossible to get comfortable with my hands and ankles cuffed.
  9. Then I struggled with my former mother-in-law to defend my position on why Emma needed to be with me until I finished my temporary teaching assignment.
  10. I suddenly felt a tremor grow inside my stomach that she would be named the new president, but I was certain an outside candidate had ultimately been awarded the prominent position.