English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "poort" het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Plek aan 'n kus of kus waar skepe kan dok om passasiers of vrag op of af te laai.'n Opening in 'n toestel of masjien, gewoonlik vir die koppeling van ander toestelle of vir die invoer/uitvoer van data of seine.'n Soort soet, versterkte wyn.Die linkerkant van 'n skip of vliegtuig, wanneer dit in die gesig staar. vorentoe.Om iets te dra of te vervoer, veral met 'n skip of ander vaartuig.Hierdie is net 'n paar voorbeelde van die baie verskillende betekenisse en gebruike van die woord "poort". Die spesifieke betekenis van die woord in 'n gegewe konteks kan dikwels bepaal word deur die omringende teks en die beoogde gebruik van die woord te ondersoek.


  1. interface

Sentence Examples

  1. By the time I polished off the last bit of our shared flan and my glass of port, I felt as though nothing untoward would happen again in my life.
  2. Out of shape in that regard, two beers and a glass of port has me feeling rather good, although those wheat and hops are sitting on a load of good eating and I feel like the Mississippi River in April after a Midwest flood.
  3. The ruse of sending the pursuers to the port quickly failed.
  4. To make matters worse, Shirley chose a parking spot far from her first port of call.
  5. The pilot went on board at six, and took his place on the bridge, to guide the Rangoon through the channels to the port of Hong Kong.
  6. It must have an access port, a place for water to flow in.
  7. Depending on the port, these objects were sometimes as mundane as a crude wine glass, but his latest gift was anything but mundane.
  8. Passepartout wandered, with his hands in his pockets, towards the Victoria port, gazing as he went at the curious palanquins and other modes of conveyance, and the groups of Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans who passed to and fro in the streets.
  9. We polished off a bottle of excellent Chianti and finished with coffee and port.
  10. Phileas Fogg hoped to accomplish the journey in six days, so as to be in time for the steamer which would leave on the 6th of November for Yokohama, the principal Japanese port.