English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "papawer" is 'n plant wat aan die familie Papaveraceae behoort, tipies met groot, opvallende blomme en 'n melkerige sap. Die blomme van sommige papawerspesies word gebruik om dwelms soos opium, morfien en kodeïen te produseer. Die papawer is ook 'n simbool van herinnering vir diegene wat in oorlog gesterf het, en word dikwels as 'n versiering op Gedenkdag of Herdenkingsdag gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. A matching poppy red scarf hung to the breasts near the frilling of her blouse.
  2. Who would have guessed that hidden poppy fields would be irrigated with automatic sprinklers?
  3. Carlton is devastated by the abduction of her daughter and is committed to doing whatever is necessary to bring Poppy safely home.
  4. I emerged from the trees and found myself above a poppy field.
  5. Love, Poppy I addressed the envelope to Chariss in care of Ruth Gardner at Gardner, Jackson & Bray, stood, and stretched my back.
  6. Barclift had promised me he could triple the advance if I published under Poppy Fields instead of Polly Feld.
  7. An enormous poppy field on the side of the mountain.