English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Pontus" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van die algemeenste:In antieke geografie was Pontus 'n streek geleë in die noordoostelike deel van Klein-Asië, wat ooreenstem met hedendaagse Turkye.In die Griekse mitologie was Pontus die god van die see, seun van Gaia (die aarde) en Uranus (die lug).In dierkunde, Pontus is 'n genus van mariene skaaldiere in die familie Palaemonidae.In sterrekunde is Pontus 'n klein planeet in die asteroïdegordel, ontdek in 1907 deur die Duitse sterrekundige August Kopff .In sommige tale is "Pontus" 'n voornaam of van, met verskillende betekenisse na gelang van die kultuur en taal. Laastens, "pontus" is 'n Latynse woord wat "see" of "oseaan" beteken en word soms in wetenskaplike name van mariene organismes gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. When the floor was done, it would be a mosaic depicting the fabled undersea kingdom of Pontus, said to lie somewhere in the depths of the Aegean.
  2. You see, the Telkhines serve me already, but once our alliance with Pontus deepens, Thebes shall be undisputed ruler of the Aegean.
  3. If your son write satires reflecting on the honour of others, chide and correct him, and tear them up but if he compose discourses in which he rebukes vice in general, in the style of Horace, and with elegance like his, commend him for it is legitimate for a poet to write against envy and lash the envious in his verse, and the other vices too, provided he does not single out individuals there are, however, poets who, for the sake of saying something spiteful, would run the risk of being banished to the coast of Pontus.
  4. Her words indicated they hailed from Pontus, a fabled kingdom beneath the Aegean.
  5. Nereus, King of Pontus, had given Tethys a pact long ago.
  6. He attends the war by negotiating with Nereus of Pontus.
  7. No, the only spirits she ever saw were the Telkhines, those sirens of Pontus pledged to Tethys.