English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ponderlik" is op 'n stadige, swaar en lomp manier, wat dikwels 'n gebrek aan grasie of doeltreffendheid suggereer. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat moeilik is om te beweeg of te maneuver as gevolg van sy gewig of grootte. Daarbenewens kan die term gebruik word om spraak of skrif te beskryf wat te lank of vervelig is.

Sentence Examples

  1. As the dawn crept slowly across the sky Tarkyn weaved his way ponderously up to his shelter and collapsed inside, watched from afar by Waterstone.
  2. Then slowly, ponderously, inevitably, it tipped towards the darkness.
  3. He stood ponderously in his own star of blackened stone, looking at Uraj.
  4. Already, as I hurriedly mixed the first potion of hot fluids I was to feed the child, I kept hearing the underbrush to my right rustling and crackling, as if something massive and slow was ponderously approaching.
  5. As they fought, Cú Roí shambled past Sergei and splashed ponderously towards the window, through the pool in the olive grove.