English to afrikaans meaning of

Polipropileen is 'n termoplastiese polimeer wat wyd gebruik word in 'n verskeidenheid toepassings, insluitend verpakking, tekstiele, motorkomponente en mediese toerusting. Dit is 'n tipe plastiek wat gekenmerk word deur sy hoë sterkte, duursaamheid en weerstand teen hitte, chemikalieë en UV-straling. Polipropileen word dikwels as "PP" afgekort en word van die monomeerpropileen gemaak deur 'n proses wat polimerisasie genoem word.


  1. polypropene

Sentence Examples

  1. He looked like an undertaker stuffed into tactical pants and polypropylene, and he peered distastefully at the thinning flakes falling from the sky, waving a hand as if to shoo them away.
  2. Half-buried beneath nautical paraphernalia, race buoys and coiled polypropylene rope were the handlebars of a bicycle.