English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "besoedel" is iets wat onsuiwer geword het, besmet is, of besmet is met skadelike of ongewenste stowwe of besoedelingstowwe. Dit kan verwys na lug, water, grond of enige ander stof of omgewing wat deur menslike aktiwiteite, natuurlike prosesse of ander faktore besmet is. Besoedeling kan skadelike uitwerking hê op die gesondheid van lewende wesens, die omgewing en die ekosisteem as geheel. Voorbeelde van besoedeling sluit chemikalieë, afvalmateriaal, riool en ander skadelike stowwe in wat 'n negatiewe impak op die kwaliteit van die omgewing en menslike gesondheid kan hê.


  1. contaminated

Sentence Examples

  1. With sickness of the heart the wanderer will flee back to the polluted Paris as to a less odious because less incongruous sink of pollution.
  2. Several cars polluted the compound, but I doubted a lot of them would start by their dumpy, outward appearance.
  3. Brakes slammed and squealed and burning rubber soon polluted the air.
  4. At the place where the carriage stopped there stood an ancient temple, esteemed to be the largest in the whole kingdom, which, having been polluted some years before by an unnatural murder, was, according to the zeal of those people looked upon as profane, and therefore had been applied to common uses, and all the ornaments and furniture carried away.
  5. SO MANY MOMENTS one wanted to forget, but they seeped into the ocean of the whole, joined its flow, even as they forever polluted it with their filth.
  6. A polluted undercurrent of car fumes enveloped the neglected stone pavement of the ghostly car park.
  7. For certain she could have brought clients here, but that would have profaned the space, polluted it with their false friendship and their self-indulgent lies.
  8. Satin ribbons dripped red, screams of terror replaced the violins, and the smell of copper and gunpowder polluted the air.
  9. On our way to the school, tension and silence polluted the air.
  10. The crowded mirror of the Horican was gone and, in its place, the green and angry waters lashed the shores, as if indignantly casting back its impurities to the polluted strand.