English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "polities" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat verband hou met die regering of die aktiwiteite wat verband hou met die bestuur van 'n land of 'n gemeenskap. Dit kan ook verwys na die aktiwiteite, taktiek en opinies van mense wat betrokke is by die regering of openbare aangeleenthede, sowel as die studie van regering en openbare aangeleenthede. Die term "polities" kan ook verwys na enigiets wat verband hou met die uitoefening van mag of invloed oor 'n groep mense of 'n organisasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Both of them were in agreement that it could be political suicide for Mary, and that she would have a hard time convincing Parliament that the alliance was a good one for England.
  2. For them it is merely a counter move in a political game.
  3. Mary might, Richard said when he had stopped laughing, be playing just as critical a political game as Northumberland, albeit in skirts.
  4. He was sure Northumberland was losing his political charm.
  5. Grey had been among those leading the troops that captured Bolougne, an able soldier and capable political animal whose personal aspirations were limitless.
  6. It thus happened that he found himself the cynosure of the political eyes and the cases were not few in which attempt was made to engage his services at the Prefecture.
  7. He took the lift and then followed signs along more cold corridors before discovering a faux wood door with the polished brass nameplate NEIL ROTHWELL PROFESSOR OF MODERN POLITICAL HISTORY fixed to it.
  8. It involves not only the economic stability of a country, but political equilibrium as well.
  9. She appeared to be seeking his assistance, but he had no idea where she fit into the bigger picture of the political situation in her House.
  10. His battlefield endeavors had provided him political status as the member of Parliament for Kent.