English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "polêr" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Met betrekking tot die Noord- of Suidpool: "Die poolstreke ervaar uiterste koue en donkerte gedurende die wintermaande."Om twee teenoorgestelde uiterstes te hê: "Daar is 'n polêre verskil tussen die rykes en die armes in hierdie land."Van of wat verband hou met 'n pool van 'n magneet of 'n elektriese sel: "Die aarde se magnetiese veld het 'n polêre oriëntasie."Baie verskillend of teenoorgesteld van aard: "Die menings van die twee kandidate is polêr teenoorgesteldes."Met verwysing na 'n chemiese verbinding met 'n polêre kovalente binding: "Water is 'n polêre molekule as gevolg van die ongelyke verspreiding van elektrone tussen die suurstof- en waterstofatome."Oor die algemeen kan "polêr" gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat ekstreem, teenoorgestelde of verwant is aan 'n magnetiese of elektriese pool.

Sentence Examples

  1. To say that she was the polar opposite of Liz would be an understatement.
  2. It would serve an especially unruly polar bear population that had attacked humans near dumping sites throughout Nunavut.
  3. So they came and went every day, with a peculiar shriek from the locomotive, from and to some point of the polar regions, as it seemed to me, like a flock of arctic snow-birds.
  4. He showed me also, in one of his books, the figures of the sun, moon, and stars, the zodiac, the tropics, and polar circles, together with the denominations of many planes and solids.
  5. Fionn was the polar opposite to her brash and assertive twin.
  6. Sure enough, he looked like a polar bear in that getup.
  7. Unfortunately, as time passed, their political beliefs had become polar opposites.
  8. Surrounding them in a vast cavern were families of otters, foxes, polar bears, eagles, mountain lions, wolves, muskrat, and mice.
  9. Far away to the northward I perceived a thin, white, and exceedingly brilliant line, or streak, on the edge of the horizon, and I had no hesitation in supposing it to be the southern disk of the ices of the Polar Sea.
  10. Duncan had no other guide than a distant glimmering light, which served, however, the office of a polar star to the lover.