English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gif" is 'n stof wat siekte, besering of dood kan veroorsaak as dit in die liggaam ingeneem word of met die vel of ander liggaamsoppervlaktes in aanraking gebring word. Gif kan in die vorm van 'n vloeistof, vaste stof of gas wees en kan natuurlik of sinteties wees. Sommige gifstowwe kom natuurlik in plante en diere voor, terwyl ander deur mense geproduseer word vir verskeie doeleindes soos insekdoders, knaagdierdoders of chemiese oorlogvoering. Die uitwerking van vergiftiging kan wissel na gelang van die tipe en hoeveelheid gif wat ingeneem word, en kan wissel van ligte simptome tot ernstige siekte of dood.

Sentence Examples

  1. The poison seared his flesh, and he howled with a rage that shook the rocks that bound him.
  2. The pigeons appeared distressed in the extreme, and struggled to escape while the cat mewed piteously, and, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, staggered to and fro in the car as if under the influence of poison.
  3. Along her Seidr lines, he felt her energy fading as if a poison was spreading.
  4. Speaking the bitterness was like bloodletting a poison.
  5. Those stings held enough poison to kill you in less than a minute.
  6. As she yanked open her door she conjured a poison cloud behind her to fill the room and choke out the demons within.
  7. Poison, ecstasy, painkillers so strong he would overdose.
  8. One of the bows was equipped with poison arrows so strong it could kill an elephant within seconds, whilst a dagger had been imbued with a spell powerful enough to disintegrate armour.
  9. No amount of magic within my blood could save me from that poison.
  10. Technically, she could have used an untraceable poison to disable him and then killed him with the axe.

TV Series Examples



l've heard it said that poison