English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "gekook" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: (1) gebalanseerd, stabiel en gereed vir aksie; (2) saamgestel, selfversekerd en vertroue in 'n mens se houding of gedrag toon.As 'n werkwoord kan "gereed" beteken om iets in 'n bepaalde posisie te hou of om in 'n toestand van gereedheid of voorbereiding vir iets.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was poised on the edge of movement, ready to begin his slide into position four.
  2. Hawke was already standing at the ready with his usual sword poised, still splotched as ever with rust.
  3. Guilt returns and tears are poised, ready to pour out like marathon runners.
  4. None had noted unusual activity at any of the houses, and every team was poised to begin the assault.
  5. He gives me a cheesy wink and looks poised to come over when Shirley stands back on the curb, all proud in her lurid green dress, and raises the remote high in her hand.
  6. With my hand poised on the door handle, the smooth metal cold on my skin, I pause to collect my thoughts.
  7. A young Asian guy with close-cropped hair, wearing black pants and a black turtleneck shirt stood before him, hand poised as though to strike again.
  8. Eyes moving up and down, face expressionless, hand poised over his clipboard.
  9. He waved down at them from ninety-plus feet in the air as he stood poised at the top of the steepest ramp in the games.
  10. The bird inside was poised on its perch as though it were about to take flight, soaring up and away from its bonds forevermore, and she stared at it for a long moment.