English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige woord het "POE" nie 'n wyd erkende of gevestigde woordeboekbetekenis nie."Poe" is 'n eienaam wat kan verwys na die van van die bekende Amerikaanse skrywer Edgar Allan Poe . In hierdie konteks sal "Poe" nie 'n woordeboekdefinisie hê nie, aangesien dit 'n naam is."POE" kan egter ook 'n akroniem of afkorting vir 'n spesifieke term of frase wees, in welke geval die betekenis daarvan is. sal afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Sonder bykomende konteks of inligting is dit nie moontlik om die presiese betekenis van "POE" te bepaal nie.


  1. edgar allan poe

Sentence Examples

  1. Gill, Eugene Didier, Sarah Helen Whitman and others these scandals have been dispelled and Poe is seen as he actually was-not as a man without failings, it is true, but as the finest and most original genius in American letters.
  2. Poe has displayed with singular distinctness in his prose works, the last predominating in his earlier tales, and the first in his later ones.
  3. Poe has two of the prime qualities of genius, a faculty of vigorous yet minute analysis, and a wonderful fecundity of imagination.
  4. Poe has chosen to exhibit his power chiefly in that dim region which stretches from the very utmost limits of the probable into the weird confines of superstition and unreality.
  5. Poe had that indescribable something which men have agreed to call genius.
  6. She had barely turned thirteen years, Poe himself was but twenty-six.
  7. Those were discouraging times in American literature, but Poe never lost faith.
  8. Poe had genius, we do not mean to say that he has produced evidence of the highest.
  9. Poe has attained an individual eminence in our literature which he will keep.
  10. EDGAR ALLAN POE By James Russell Lowell THE situation of American literature is anomalous.