English to afrikaans meaning of

Laaghout is 'n tipe vervaardigde houtproduk wat gemaak word deur dun lae of "lae" houtfineer saam te plak. Die fineer word tipies met hul graan reghoekig op mekaar gelĂȘ, wat die sterkte en stabiliteit van die resulterende paneel verhoog. Laaghout word algemeen gebruik in konstruksie, meubelvervaardiging en ander toepassings waar 'n sterk, liggewig en stabiele materiaal benodig word.


  1. plyboard

Sentence Examples

  1. They had nailed plywood over two of the three barn door openings.
  2. On Monday morning, we dressed in the basement, standing on a piece of plywood on the gravel floor.
  3. Now and then, the plywood floor thundered from the impact of boots as revelers went to the refrigerator for a beer.
  4. They all stood much like the cardboard cutouts of sports stars, but these were made with plywood and two by fours.
  5. Parker stepped up to the door and pressed his ear against the plywood, the Beretta M9 in both hands.
  6. Stanley drew circles on a piece of plywood and leaned it against some firewood.
  7. Motioning at her to wait, he maneuvered the truck so the plywood covered the wet ground.
  8. None heard or otherwise noticed Parker and Kyle as they drove sixpenny nails into plywood and transformed their grocery store into a castle.
  9. I sprinkled Dustbane on the plywood floor and swept it.
  10. Every single window was boarded up with plywood except for slits at the top to let in some light.