English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "pluim" is die verlede tyd en verlede deelwoord van die werkwoord "pluim." Dit het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:(byvoeglike naamwoord) Met of versier met vere of pluime. Voorbeeld: Die gepluimde hooftooisel van die stamhoof was 'n simbool van sy gesag.(byvoeglike naamwoord) Met of gekenmerk deur 'n pluim of pluime van rook, stoom of vuur. Voorbeeld: Die vulkaan het uitgebars en 'n gepluimde kolom van as en rook die lug ingestuur.(werkwoord) Om met vere of pluime te versier of te versier. Voorbeeld: Die dansers se kostuums was met helderkleurige vere gepluim.(werkwoord) Om 'n pluim of pluime uit te stuur of uit te stuur. Voorbeeld: Die fabriekskoorsteen het rook in die lug gegooi.(werkwoord) Om 'n mens se vere reg te maak of glad te maak, soos 'n voël doen. Voorbeeld: Die pou het homself voor die vroulike pauw geploeter om haar te beïndruk.


  1. crested

Sentence Examples

  1. Sombreros and red shirts and plumed Indians were rarely to be seen but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly-looking men.
  2. As they examined the mangled wreckage, one of the hatches popped open and smoke plumed from inside the cab.
  3. A cloud of dust plumed around its edges, filling the chamber.
  4. At his side stands a giant Cossack with a plumed turban, a studded-leather jerkin and a whip in his hand.
  5. And it is said of this good lass that she never made promises of the kind without fulfilling them, even though she made them in a forest and without any witness present, for she plumed herself greatly on being a lady and held it no disgrace to be in such an employment as servant in an inn, because, she said, misfortunes and ill-luck had brought her to that position.