English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pluk" is om af of uit te trek, tipies met 'n skielike beweging; om iets met 'n mens se vingers of met 'n instrument soos 'n pincet te pluk of vas te gryp; om vere, hare of pels van die vel van 'n dier of voël te verwyder; of om moed, vasberadenheid en veerkragtigheid te openbaar te midde van teëspoed.

Sentence Examples

  1. If I could pluck them from out of their cocoon of safety, surrounded by their assorted personal bodyguards and henchmen, even the wizard Vamont of Mons would be forced to restrain himself and allow the prisoner exchange to be completed.
  2. Pluck but one tiny strand of the web, and the whole web resonates with a vibration.
  3. They stopped only to replenish their water supply, spear fresh salmon from the river, or pluck a grouse from the sky during takeoff.
  4. She continued to pluck at the string, twisting the tuning knob, until the note sounded exactly right.
  5. She must be protected and prized as one protects and prizes a fair garden full of roses and flowers, the owner of which allows no one to trespass or pluck a blossom enough for others that from afar and through the iron grating they may enjoy its fragrance and its beauty.
  6. But I let go of her shoulder with one hand to pluck the key from her fingers, just to be sure.
  7. The swashbuckling Aragorn appealed, apart from his constant unwashed hair, as did the magic tricks of Gandalf and the pluck of Gimli the dwarf, but to imagine myself, as one of them would be an even greater stretch.
  8. But that they have not, for Heaven will not suffer so great a wrong to Earth, as it would be to pluck unripe the grapes of the fairest vineyard on its surface.
  9. It took us a dozen hours to clean and pluck a dozen ducks.
  10. As soon as my hand dropped, the man with the gun reached forward to pluck the knife from my fingers.