English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "ploeg" is die gebruik van 'n ploeg ('n plaasgereedskap met een of meer lemme wat gebruik word om grond op te breek en om te draai) om grond te bewerk of te bewerk, tipies ter voorbereiding vir die plant van gewasse. Ploeg is ’n belangrike landboupraktyk wat help om die grond los te maak en te belug, onkruid en puin te verwyder en vore of rante te skep waarin saad gesaai kan word. Ploeg kan met die hand gedoen word met 'n tradisionele ploeg wat deur diere getrek word of deur moderne masjinerie soos trekkers met aangehegte ploeë te gebruik.


  1. ploughing

Sentence Examples

  1. The small group by the elevator rushed to their left, plowing head first into the nearest windows.
  2. As they reached Mission Street, he spotted a huge steel factory just on the other side and more police cars plowing down Mission to cut him off.
  3. He was unafraid of his surroundings, plowing through tall fields of hay or dense forests without any idea where he was headed, not the least bit perturbed by bugs flying into his eyes or seeds up his nose.
  4. Plowing through the orderly rows always gave him a sublime pleasure.
  5. We shine like those fires and those stars we sigh like those waves we suffer like those great ships, which are worn out in plowing the waves, in obeying the wind that urges them towards an end, as the breath of God blows us towards a port.
  6. He threw head and shoulders back, and used a double straight-arm to keep from plowing into the vehicle, which belonged to the police.
  7. Then he whirled and barreled into two more, head-butting one so hard he dropped to the pavement like a sack of potatoes, and then plowing his shoulder into the other, sending the smaller man crashing hard to the ground where Duc easily kicked the sword from his grasp and held the man down with the point of his own weapon.
  8. He was plowing after Amy in what was a terrifying pursuit.
  9. Then, hours later, we found him plowing through a bunch of sheds that turned out to have no food in them and the men remarked knowingly.
  10. He took us onto the sidewalk, plowing through a mailbox on the corner.