English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voldoende" is "bestaan in groot hoeveelhede; oorvloedig".

Sentence Examples

  1. When we arrived, the warthogs were plentiful and running free through the camp.
  2. As he approached the stronghold, the Dark-Realmers were plentiful.
  3. There had been only the six immortal siblings born, and so their Mother and Fate encouraged Belah and her brothers and sisters to take many mates among the primitive, yet plentiful mortal race that walked the earth at the beginning of time.
  4. Food was more plentiful this time of year, and she and Radolf were able to eat much better than they had been.
  5. In the Forests of Talamar, wild game was plentiful.
  6. Cleva lived about five miles from town, where the air was sweeter and the wildlife even more plentiful.
  7. While the cars were not extravagant, they were not all old and run-down as they are in many developing countries and they seemed to be plentiful.
  8. In their business planning, our entrepreneurs had used an average year-round price that was double what farmers charged in the plentiful season.
  9. In a digital world where books are plentiful and easy to access, I feel endlessly lucky when a reader chooses me.
  10. Although food was still plentiful, there was not enough wood to keep the fire going, and its meager heat was all she and Radolf had to keep them from freezing to death.