English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek beteken die woord "plesier" 'n gevoel van genot, bevrediging of bevrediging. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n aktiwiteit, ervaring of ding wat so 'n gevoel teweegbring. Oor die algemeen word plesier met positiewe emosies geassosieer en kan dit op baie verskillende maniere ervaar word, soos deur kos, musiek, seks of om tyd saam met geliefdes deur te bring.

Sentence Examples

  1. As we make our way into this chapel that also contains one hundred tons of native stones and colored flagstone, we all sigh with pleasure.
  2. He had become a man who had ceased to find any pleasure in life, whose grief threatened to drag him down into the darkest depths.
  3. I swear she carried a stun gun just to watch people dance for her own pleasure sometimes.
  4. I suspected my father was up to something, but now I am certain, and it gives me no pleasure.
  5. Maybe the universe is finally allowing me a few moments of pleasure on this press trip from hell.
  6. Lanzarote, a playground for pleasure seekers I like to keep my distance from the madness of it.
  7. None of that would change the fact that their relationship could go nowhere, that to cross the line as he had, to answer the call he felt thrumming within him morning and night, would inevitably bring them far more pain than it would pleasure.
  8. Having worked in the tourism industry my whole adult life and seen first-hand the way the holiday mentality changes people into amoral pleasure seekers, I share his discontent.
  9. She broke away from his mouth so that she could kiss his neck, provoking a low groan of pleasure from him.
  10. Her warm, soft hands slipped up underneath it, splaying over his skin, sending frissons of pleasure up his spine.

TV Series Examples



Two - the pleasure of my company,



lt is a great pleasure to see you again