English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pleit" is om 'n emosionele appèl te maak, om ernstig te versoek of te vra, of om 'n pleit by 'n geregshof in te voer. Die woord kan in verskillende kontekste gebruik word, maar dit verwys gewoonlik na 'n versoek of 'n beroep vir iets, of dit nou vir vergifnis, genade of een of ander vorm van bystand is. In 'n regskonteks beteken om te pleit om jou saak formeel voor 'n regter of jurie te stel, hetsy in verdediging of vervolging.

Sentence Examples

  1. Alan set her to plead at the gates and have them opened, and they were.
  2. Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppressive.
  3. When she looked up at the white weather-board house it seemed to plead its innocence, but she knew better.
  4. The Highest expected him to plead for mercy, he realized.
  5. Thou didst address thyself to my simplicity, thou didst lay siege to my virtue, thou wert not ignorant of my station, well dost thou know how I yielded wholly to thy will there is no ground or reason for thee to plead deception, and if it be so, as it is, and if thou art a Christian as thou art a gentleman, why dost thou by such subterfuges put off making me as happy at last as thou didst at first?
  6. Daniel paled but did not surrender to his desire to plead and cry aloud his fear of returning to the cavern.
  7. She visited her cousin to plead for her assistance.
  8. And as officers follow and plead with her compliance.
  9. He stared at the soulless, cream-coloured cell wall, bit his lip, and reflected that he needed to get out of there to talk to Professor Whitehead about his scheme and, ah, yes, plead his innocence with Heather.
  10. Hiding emotions that plead for release from the stranglehold put on them.

TV Series Examples



Did he plead for a reprieve?