English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "speel" hang af van die konteks en gebruik daarvan. Hier is 'n paar van die algemene definisies van "speel":Om aan 'n aktiwiteit deel te neem vir genot of ontspanning, veral as kind: Die kinders het in die park gespeel.Deelname aan 'n speletjie, sport of musiekuitvoering: Die orkes was besig om 'n konsert te speel.Het manipuleer of bestuur van iets, soos 'n instrument of masjien: Sy het kitaar gespeel.Om voor te gee of op te tree asof iets werklik is: Die kinders het huis gespeel.Optree of speel in 'n teaterproduksie: Die akteurs het hul rolle gespeel.Hierdie is net 'n paar voorbeelde van die baie maniere waarop "speel" in Engels gebruik kan word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Until the only other people were the group of Mid-Realmers playing fetch with the dog-like Droges.
  2. A soft breeze stirred the clearing, playing with the strands of her hair.
  3. Several other creatures were out and about the Fortress, climbing the castle walls, playing in the courtyards or lying amongst the long grass of the fields as Cera led Evan through them.
  4. None of his classmates could see the bats though and Evan had dismissed both instances as his eyes playing tricks.
  5. At home, I always had music playing, or there were people around, people to talk to.
  6. I told Emma about Nana D playing the clarinet years ago.
  7. I managed to rouse myself when the food arrived, the TV playing some old action flick in the background.
  8. It was time I got to the bottom of whatever game she was playing.
  9. Playing mind games with Kay effing Walker was not what I needed right now.
  10. I suppose playing the field is part of the game, eh?