English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "planking" verwys na die handeling om met die gesig na onder in 'n rigiede, horisontale posisie te lê, soos 'n plank hout. Die term word dikwels gebruik om 'n fiksheidsoefening te beskryf waarin 'n mens 'n plankposisie hou om die kernspiere van die liggaam te versterk. In onlangse jare het "planking" ook 'n gewilde sosiale media-tendens geword, waarin mense foto's neem van hulself waar hulle gesig na onder op ongewone of humoristiese plekke lê en dit aanlyn plaas.

Sentence Examples

  1. As she watched, he dropped to his knees and pulled the planking from the front of a stable door.
  2. Wearing an old dark-grey dress, she had folded two cloaks, both dark in colour one to warm her and one to spread over the gaps in the planking to ensure she would not be seen, and both lay ready on her desk.
  3. Inserting it into the crack between the planking by feel, the wood slipped through her fingers, dropping to the hardened earth with a clatter, but it was followed by no paper, no tell-tale white square.
  4. Cautiously she moved into the space running in front of the stalls and looked down nervously at the planking forming the door to the empty stall.
  5. Watters helped lever up the brass bands that held the wooden planking together, grunting at the familiar, sharp tang of gun oil.
  6. The dry wood forced splinters into her hands as she tried to pull her weight over the edge, but fear of falling into the dark stable below overcame the increasing discomfort in her hands as she heaved herself up, pausing for breath when she felt secure with one knee firmly on the planking.
  7. The stadium had been built in the early 1960s, and the wood planking and metal cross-beam supports were due for an overhaul.
  8. Crouching down, he rubbed his hand along the rough planking of the deck, feeling the coarse grains under his fingers.
  9. Small fingers pushed a stem of straw into the wood of the door she would know now if the planking had been removed.
  10. When a man came crawling through the hole made by the removed planking at the back of the empty stall, followed quickly by a second man, Catherine was instantly alert.