English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "ontpit" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike woordeboekbetekenisse:Om kuile of depressies te hê: Dit verwys na 'n oppervlak wat klein gaatjies of duike het, soos 'n ontpitte padoppervlak of 'n ontpitte vrug.Gemerk deur of met pitte: Dit kan verwys na 'n voedselitem wat pitte het, soos ontpitte olywe, of na 'n oppervlak wat doelbewus of onbedoeld met klein gaatjies gemerk is, bv. as 'n ontpitte metaaloppervlak.Om iets belangriks te verloor of te kort: Dit verwys na 'n situasie waar iets weggeneem of verwyder is, wat 'n gevoel van verlies of leegheid laat. Byvoorbeeld, 'n span wat sy sterspeler verloor het, kan beskryf word as "ontpit" of 'n persoon wat 'n groot verlies in hul lewe gely het, kan "ontpit" voel. Om in 'n put of 'n gat geplaas te word: Hierdie betekenis van "ontpit" word gewoonlik in die verlede tyd gebruik, soos "die motor is ontpit vir 'n bandverandering tydens die wedren."Hierdie is net 'n paar moontlike woordeboekbetekenisse van die woord "ontpit". Die spesifieke betekenis van die woord sal afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. honeycombed
  2. faveolate
  3. alveolate
  4. cavitied

Sentence Examples

  1. Vik bowmen, using the double-curved wood and horn bow so familiar to humans and so shunned by dragonkind, pitted against the equally deadly, but slower-firing dragon crossbows.
  2. The mismatched handles were pitted with rust and dulled by tarnish.
  3. A jagged, pitted shard flies off the slope as if thrown.
  4. Most of its left pectoral was gone, and the ribs beneath were stained and pitted.
  5. Cam noticed they were made completely of metal, one dirty great lump of pitted iron forming the handle and the blade.
  6. In front was a flat space of maybe a mile, all pitted with bog-holes and rough with tussocks, and then beyond it the road fell steeply down another glen to a plain whose blue dimness melted into the distance.
  7. Neighbours pitted against each other, the town divided.
  8. Dwayne stood alone, blood forcing its way through the splayed fingers of his hand and spilling onto the cracked and pitted asphalt, his face twisted with fury and betrayal.
  9. I find myself pitted against large odds in this tavern, senor.
  10. Worms had ingested and defecated it, and the meagre acid in their stomachs had pitted and scarred it even further.