English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n pint 'n maateenheid vir vloeistowwe, gelyk aan 1/2 van 'n kwart of 16 vloeistof onse (ongeveer 0,47 liter). Dit is ook 'n houer wat 'n pint bevat, wat gewoonlik gebruik word om bier of ander drankies in kroeë en kroeë te bedien.

Sentence Examples

  1. I lifted my pint in the universally acknowledged gesture for a refill somehow, I kept my hand from trembling.
  2. Sant would never forget them sharing a pint of the black stuff and, later, Dryden introducing his wife as they both swayed and laughed like morons in her charming presence.
  3. Robert glanced at me, my clenched hands and blood-drained face, and set down his pint.
  4. She acknowledged us with a nod, and started filling two pint glasses.
  5. While she filled the pint glasses, I drained what was left in mine.
  6. Sant could have murdered a pint of ale, but he kept his hankerings to himself.
  7. Jake thought it strange that Mr Hoody drank two-thirds of his pint in a couple of greedy draughts and more unsettling still that he followed Jake out of the pub.
  8. Street stalls fry pancakes and sell pea soup by the pint from a cluster of tankards swinging on chains.
  9. I picked up my pint, swirling the beer until it made a tiny amber whirlpool.
  10. Jake had noticed the CAMRA plaque outside the door and looked with appreciation at the line of pumps before selecting a pint of craft beer.