English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "pier" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Struktuur wat van die kus af na 'n watermassa strek, wat tipies gebruik word as 'n landingsplek vir skepe of bote, en wat dikwels vermaak- of ontspanningsgeriewe verskaf. : Byvoorbeeld, "Ons het langs die pier gestap en die uitsig oor die see geniet."'n Vertikale stut of kolom wat gebruik word om vragte te dra, soos die gewig van 'n brug of gebou: Byvoorbeeld, "Die brug is ondersteun deur stewige betonpilare."'n Struktuur wat in die water ingebou is en as 'n platform vir visvang gebruik word: Byvoorbeeld , "Vissermanne het op die pier bymekaargekom om hul lyne te gooi."'n Verhoogde platform wat gebruik word as 'n verhoog of platform vir openbare redevoering: Byvoorbeeld, "Die spreker het op die pier gestaan , en spreek die skare wat voor hom vergader is toe."Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie definisies nie volledig is nie, en die betekenis van "pier" kan verskil op grond van die spesifieke konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Thus the coastguard on duty on the eastern side of the harbour, who at once ran down to the little pier, was the first to climb on board.
  2. The schooner paused not, but rushing across the harbour, pitched herself on that accumulation of sand and gravel washed by many tides and many storms into the south-east corner of the pier jutting under the East Cliff, known locally as Tate Hill Pier.
  3. It so happened that there was no one at the moment on Tate Hill Pier, as all those whose houses are in close proximity were either in bed or were out on the heights above.
  4. A jetty pier, some two thousand yards along, extended into the roadstead.
  5. It is a good way round from the West Cliff by the Drawbridge to Tate Hill Pier, but your correspondent is a fairly good runner, and came well ahead of the crowd.
  6. White-crested waves beat madly on the level sands and rushed up the shelving cliffs others broke over the piers, and with their spume swept the lanthorns of the lighthouses which rise from the end of either pier of Whitby Harbour.
  7. The band on the pier is playing a harsh waltz in good time, and further along the quay there is a Salvation Army meeting in a back street.
  8. The rays of the searchlight were kept fixed on the harbour mouth across the East Pier, where the shock was expected, and men waited breathless.
  9. At last the Hudson came into view and, at a quarter-past eleven in the evening of the 11th, the train stopped in the station on the right bank of the river, before the very pier of the Cunard line.