English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is 'n paar verskillende betekenisse van die woord "tert", so hier is 'n paar van die woordeboekdefinisies:'n Gebakte gereg van vrugte, of vleis en groente, tipies met 'n bokant en basis van deeg.'n Gebakte gereg wat bestaan uit 'n soet of sout vulsel in 'n deegdop.'n Pizza.'n Soort ekster, 'n voël van die kraaifamilie.Die betekenis van "pastei" kan afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, maar dit is van die mees algemene definisies.

Sentence Examples

  1. With a piece of game pie in one hand and a bottle of ale in the other, he looked out over the dark waters of the river and finally let his mind drift unfettered over the events of the last two days.
  2. As I approached the house, I could see Abit sitting at the table, talking to his mother, finishing off a piece of apple pie.
  3. He gave his head a slight shake and took another bite of pie, stamping firmly down on the feelings that threatened to well up.
  4. I gaze at Richard and his cup of peach slices and moan with every bite I take of my rich pie.
  5. Mildred offered peach pie and coffee, which were impossible to refuse, even though my stomach was churning.
  6. Nana D was able to reach a cherry pie she had cooled off on the counter.
  7. If you have to throw something at me, I only ask it be pie.
  8. By the time Bridget realized what was happening, Nana D smashed the pie into her face.
  9. I flashed on a table laden with homemade biscuits and beans and corn pudding and probably another fresh pie.
  10. Between the new paella recipe she was testing out and the scrumptious coconut cream pie, I was in a food coma for most of the evening.