English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "fisies" hou verband met die liggaam, liggaamsfunksies of liggaamlike sensasies, of aan die fisiese wêreld, eerder as die verstand of gees. Dit kan ook beteken op 'n manier wat verband hou met die wette van fisika of met die fisiese wetenskappe. Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om 'n aksie te beskryf wat uitgevoer word deur gebruik te maak van fisiese krag of wat liggaamlike kontak behels.

Sentence Examples

  1. Feeling better physically but still scarred mentally, Evan looked for Cera who was also stirring after being healed.
  2. He had to physically stop Jed from buying an expensive pair of djinn parachute pants.
  3. Exhaustion had drained them, both physically and magically.
  4. His Healer said they were brought on by stress and overwork, and that there was nothing physically wrong with him.
  5. Whenever I saw him, I had no control over how my body reacted physically.
  6. The store was in shambles, both physically and financially, but something about its bones had appealed to me.
  7. She sagged in his arms, drained, physically and emotionally.
  8. The years appeared to have been kind to him, if not mentally at least physically.
  9. We were placed on paid leave while we recovered emotionally, and for Jason physically, from the shooting.
  10. Cold and shaky, I was emotionally and physically drained.