English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "frase" is:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n klein groepie woorde wat saamstaan as 'n konseptuele eenheid, wat tipies 'n komponent van 'n klousule vorm.(werkwoord) druk ('n idee of gevoel) uit in woorde of gebare.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord is 'n frase 'n groep woorde wat saam in 'n sin funksioneer om 'n bepaalde betekenis oor te dra. Frases kan onder andere in verskillende tipes gekategoriseer word, soos naamwoordfrases, werkwoordfrases, bywoordelike frases en voorsetselfrases, onder andere.As 'n werkwoord, beteken om iets te fraseer om 'n idee of gevoel uit te druk of oor te dra deur spesifieke woorde of gebare. Dit kan ook verwys na die manier waarop iets verwoord of uitgedruk word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Seconds later, the first phrase that came to mind was leaving his lips.
  2. He sat on the nearest desk and gazed up at her, considering how to phrase his question.
  3. Her first phrase, practically mandatory in such cir-cumstances for the speaker to receive the appropriate response without coming across as discourteous, was more than enough for him to understand what she was driving at.
  4. Such pieces are only valuable when they display what we can only express by the contradictory phrase of innate experience.
  5. That before the slightest phrase established itself in his conscience, it first had to go through hell and high water and then traverse dire straits.
  6. A flash of recognition not of me through my disguise, but that of a secret phrase learned years ago identifying the speaker as the monk called Roland, momentarily lit up his eyes.
  7. The others strove to make peace between them, but could not, for the Biscayan declared in his disjointed phrase that if they did not let him finish his battle he would kill his mistress and everyone that strove to prevent him.
  8. And in that mantra, there was a certain phrase which had to follow.
  9. The phrase made the water sound alive with a personality.
  10. I can try to phrase things like a gentleman and you can get the hints.

TV Series Examples



Oh. There was one phrase