English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verwarring" is die toestand van verward of verward wees oor iets. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n situasie wat moeilik is om te verstaan of te verduidelik, of 'n gevoel van onsekerheid of verwarring wat veroorsaak word deur iets wat onduidelik of ingewikkeld is. Oor die algemeen beskryf verwarring 'n toestand van geestelike verwarring of onsekerheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. The presence of a Jesuit caused the prelate some considerable perplexity.
  2. But one day at table with the duke and duchess, just as he was about to carry his resolution into effect and ask for their permission, lo and behold suddenly there came in through the door of the great hall two women, as they afterwards proved to be, draped in mourning from head to foot, one of whom approaching Don Quixote flung herself at full length at his feet, pressing her lips to them, and uttering moans so sad, so deep, and so doleful that she put all who heard and saw her into a state of perplexity and though the duke and duchess supposed it must be some joke their servants were playing off upon Don Quixote, still the earnest way the woman sighed and moaned and wept puzzled them and made them feel uncertain, until Don Quixote, touched with compassion, raised her up and made her unveil herself and remove the mantle from her tearful face.
  3. The state of perplexity to which Camilla reduced Lothario was such that he was unable to utter a word in reply, still less to decide upon what he should do.
  4. Say, thief and vagabond, hast thou not just now told me that this princess had been turned into a maiden called Dorothea, and that the head which I am persuaded I cut off from a giant was the bitch that bore thee, and other nonsense that put me in the greatest perplexity I have ever been in all my life?
  5. I then gathered in the rope you were sending me, and making a coil or pile of it I seated myself upon it, ruminating and considering what I was to do to lower myself to the bottom, having no one to hold me up and as I was thus deep in thought and perplexity, suddenly and without provocation a profound sleep fell upon me, and when I least expected it, I know not how, I awoke and found myself in the midst of the most beautiful, delightful meadow that nature could produce or the most lively human imagination conceive.
  6. But the night before the unhappy day of my departure she wept, she moaned, she sighed, and she withdrew leaving me filled with perplexity and amazement, overwhelmed at the sight of such strange and affecting signs of grief and sorrow in Luscinda but not to dash my hopes I ascribed it all to the depth of her love for me and the pain that separation gives those who love tenderly.
  7. Roque was in perplexity and knew not what to do the servants ran to fetch water to sprinkle their faces, and brought some and bathed them with it.
  8. Meanwhile the woodman was frowning down at the staff in some perplexity.
  9. He had met with them in a little perplexity, which must be laid before Emma.
  10. Then it was he wished for the sword of Amadis, against which no enchantment whatever had any power then he cursed his ill fortune then he magnified the loss the world would sustain by his absence while he remained there enchanted, for that he believed he was beyond all doubt then he once more took to thinking of his beloved Dulcinea del Toboso then he called to his worthy squire Sancho Panza, who, buried in sleep and stretched upon the pack-saddle of his ass, was oblivious, at that moment, of the mother that bore him then he called upon the sages Lirgandeo and Alquife to come to his aid then he invoked his good friend Urganda to succour him and then, at last, morning found him in such a state of desperation and perplexity that he was bellowing like a bull, for he had no hope that day would bring any relief to his suffering, which he believed would last for ever, inasmuch as he was enchanted and of this he was convinced by seeing that Rocinante never stirred, much or little, and he felt persuaded that he and his horse were to remain in this state, without eating or drinking or sleeping, until the malign influence of the stars was overpast, or until some other more sage enchanter should disenchant him.