English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "waarneembaar" is "op 'n manier wat merkbaar is of waargeneem kan word." Dit is 'n bywoord wat gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat met 'n mens se sintuie waargeneem, bespeur of gevoel kan word. Byvoorbeeld, as daar 'n effense verandering in temperatuur in 'n kamer is, kan dit merkbaar koeler of warmer wees, wat beteken dat dit opvallend is vir die teenwoordiges. Net so, as iemand harder as voorheen praat, kan dit merkbaar harder wees, wat aandui dat dit makliker as voorheen gehoor kan word.


  1. noticeably
  2. observably

Sentence Examples

  1. His eyes were closed, but the lids slightly lifted in an effort to look at them as they bent over him, and the tail was perceptibly agitated in a vain effort to wag.
  2. His thought returned to the earth, his looks perceptibly hardened, his brow contracted, his mouth assuming an expression of undaunted courage again his looks became fixed, but this time they wore a worldly expression, hardened by covetousness, pride, and strong desire.