English to afrikaans meaning of

veen word gedefinieer as "'n los bruin materiaal wat hoofsaaklik bestaan uit gedeeltelik ontbinde plantmateriaal wat op nat plekke (soos vleie, moerasse of moerasse) ophoop en vir brandstof en kunsmis verbrand word." Turf word oor baie jare gevorm aangesien dooie plantmateriaal in versuipte toestande ophoop, sonder om ten volle te ontbind as gevolg van die gebrek aan suurstof. Dit word algemeen gebruik as 'n bron van brandstof vir verhitting en elektrisiteitsopwekking in sommige lande.

Sentence Examples

  1. In the distance, through the mounds, the only sign of life spilled through the slip-shod planks, blanketed in peat moss and lichen in what was the dilapidated remains of a long-house.
  2. I nearly fell over as Peat and Sigmet stepped out from behind him.
  3. He wanted the radialloy as much as Peat and Sigmet had.
  4. Peat pulled my hand close to the panel, but adrenaline seemed to give me superhuman strength, and I pulled back, adhering my boots to the smooth metal floor somehow.
  5. Peat raised himself to his full height and squared his shoulders, but the Commander was a match for him in both height and weight, and the effect was not as intimidating as before.
  6. With an impatient sigh, Peat turned back to me again, his broad jaw more set than ever.
  7. I saw that one was short and one was tall and bulky, which led me to guess that it was Peat and Sigmet.
  8. After another second of hard staring, Peat followed, not giving so much as a glance in my direction as he exited.
  9. Peat slipped the device in his pocket and gripped my arm in one continuous motion, then began pulling me along.
  10. Peat held a small electronic device, pointing at the closet lock.