English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "boer" is 'n persoon wat 'n boer of landbouwerker is, veral een wat 'n lae sosiale status het of wat 'n klein stukkie grond vir bewerking besit of huur. Die term kan ook gebruik word om te verwys na 'n persoon wat as kru, onopgevoed of ongesofistikeerd in hul manier of gedrag beskou word.

Sentence Examples

  1. The wealthy were quick to seize the opportunity and scramble for advantage, the poor peasant farmers too slow and ignorant to see what was coming.
  2. They did so, and the curate questioned the peasant at great length as to how he had found Don Quixote.
  3. As a set-off against this, the old historical and traditional ballads, and the true pastorals, the songs and ballads of peasant life, were being collected assiduously and printed in the cancioneros that succeeded one another with increasing rapidity.
  4. With much asserted effort, she forced her attention to his eyes where she saw the lone hunter who admired the harmless peasant alone in the wood and, at once, she doubted that such a man could be responsible for all the terror beset on her kin.
  5. I am that lowly peasant girl whom thou in thy goodness or for thy pleasure wouldst raise high enough to call herself thine I am she who in the seclusion of innocence led a contented life until at the voice of thy importunity, and thy true and tender passion, as it seemed, she opened the gates of her modesty and surrendered to thee the keys of her liberty a gift received by thee but thanklessly, as is clearly shown by my forced retreat to the place where thou dost find me, and by thy appearance under the circumstances in which I see thee.
  6. The Ljosalfar clothes fooled him now, but the moment she summoned her Seidr, he would know she was no common peasant.
  7. Don Quixote drew up, not a little to the satisfaction of Sancho, for he was by this time weary of telling so many lies, and in dread of his master catching him tripping, for though he knew that Dulcinea was a peasant girl of El Toboso, he had never seen her in all his life.
  8. Finished with her bath, the peasant girl walked, weak and frightened out of her senses, over the freshly turned earth and entrenched stones.
  9. About this time there arrived in our town one Vicente de la Roca, the son of a poor peasant of the same town, the said Vicente having returned from service as a soldier in Italy and divers other parts.
  10. The attractions of the fair peasant raised the passion of Don Fernando to such a point that, in order to gain his object and overcome her virtuous resolutions, he determined to pledge his word to her to become her husband, for to attempt it in any other way was to attempt an impossibility.

TV Series Examples



If I'd been born a peasant they might've