English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "pouse" kan soos volg gedefinieer word:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n tydelike stop; 'n onderbreking in aktiwiteit of toespraak(werkwoord) om 'n aktiwiteit of toespraak tydelik te stop; om 'n blaaskans te neem

Sentence Examples

  1. We move up Spring Street and pause at three cottages established within the mountainside next to Harding Spring, a spot where one of the most famous healings took place.
  2. He meets her lips and devours them, pulling her close to him and sliding his hands up and down her back until they finally pause at her bottom.
  3. Once seated I pause and make myself wait and catch my breath.
  4. The pregnant pause has birthed into a silent baby and no one says a word on the drive up the mountain to our hotel.
  5. The Elders had ceased speaking, a pregnant pause descending on the room.
  6. I turn toward the house but pause at the porch and hand TB the mail.
  7. I pause in my explanations, take his hand and lead him into the group.
  8. Some people claim that angels are floating overhead interrupting conversation, others call it a pregnant pause.
  9. The pause we offer makes Richard uncomfortable so he launches into a lengthy explanation, mostly about how difficult women are to live with and how his wife is at fault for everything.
  10. We pause at the first area large enough for a group to assemble, where a few stalactites drip from the ceiling and pools of milky water form at the floor.