English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "patriarg" is 'n manlike hoof van 'n familie of stam, 'n ouderling of leier van 'n gemeenskap, of 'n persoon wat as die stigter van 'n bepaalde instelling of beweging beskou word. Die term word dikwels gebruik om 'n man te beskryf wat gerespekteer word vir sy wysheid, ervaring en leierskap, veral in 'n tradisionele of konserwatiewe sosiale of kulturele omgewing. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n samelewing of regeringstelsel waarin mans die meeste of al die mag en gesag besit. In 'n godsdienstige konteks kan die term "patriarg" verwys na 'n biskop of senior geestelike in sekere Christelike kerke, of na die stigters of vroeƫ leiers van verskeie godsdienstige tradisies.

Sentence Examples

  1. Rogarius and find the Patriarch, perhaps a little persuasion on my part might convince the Rogarian priest to reveal his secrets to me.
  2. Short stature, growing bald, yet with a grace and demeanor that radiated with an unmistakable confidence and power, the Patriarch of the Rogarians was also quite brilliant and a true fanatic.
  3. Here, surrounded by his most ardent of followers, in a city that also claimed to be the most ardent of Rogarian faithful, lived the Patriarch of the Rogarian Order.
  4. I wanted to personally inquire as to what the Patriarch might know about the identity of the Evil from Afar.
  5. Indeed, to say the truth, what little of its former self may then remain, will be found in so desolate and ruinous a state that the patriarch shall have removed his residence to Damascus.
  6. Sancho rode on his ass like a patriarch, with his alforjas and bota, and longing to see himself soon governor of the island his master had promised him.
  7. To the right of the Chapel of Timirus Acquainius was the startling white and black Chapel of Gaius Decidius, the first Patriarch of the Rogarian Order.
  8. The rise of the Decidian family to the imperial robes did not happen without the direct involvement of the Patriarch.
  9. I was positive at least two Rogarian wizards would be within the temple walls and close to their beloved Patriarch.
  10. I would not have been surprised to find out it was the Patriarch himself who orchestrated the grab for imperial authority.