English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pad" is:'n Weg of spoor wat neergelê is vir stap of gemaak word deur voortdurende trap; 'n roete of koers waarlangs iemand of iets beweeg.'n Bepaalde koers of rigting van denke of aksie.A koers of spoor waarlangs iets beweeg.'n Opeenvolging van gebeure of 'n optrede wat tot 'n bepaalde uitkoms lei.'n Metode of manier om voort te gaan na 'n doel of doelwit.'n Stel gidse of vouers wat gebruik word om lêers op 'n rekenaar te organiseer en op te spoor.

Sentence Examples

  1. This time, we took a different path, one that led down a sloping corridor with fewer doors but more of a static buzz in the air that usually meant magic was high.
  2. Abby had spent most of her life specializing in broadcasting and media studies, following a similar post-undergraduate degree path as me.
  3. I exited the cable car and took the shortest path to the cafeteria in the student union building.
  4. As she turned the corner, her heart jolted as someone stepped out onto the opposite path.
  5. Only Kay would throw himself into the path of a rampaging wyvern.
  6. She noted the far corner near the oak tree and bench on the narrow path toward Glass Hall.
  7. The well-manicured primary entrance contained a winding slate path, burgundy shutters adorning large, crisscross lattice windows, and giant rhododendron bushes growing in the front gardens.
  8. As she turned a corner, a figure stepped into her path.
  9. My skin buzzed, like a mild shock from the stunner, as we followed a path through the winding corridors of the first floor, lit by the faint bluish glow from the walls and floor.
  10. Jed had him in a headlock and was dancing about the cobbled path with the goblin in toe.