English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vaderlike" is:Van of met betrekking tot 'n vader, vaderskap of vaderlike gesag.Verwant deur of op die vader se kant; om 'n vader as 'n voorvader te hê.Kenmerkend van of pas by 'n vader; vriendelik en beskermend.Geërf of afkomstig van die vader se kant.Voorbeelde:Hy het 'n sterk vaderlike instink en geniet tyd saam met sy kinders deurbring.Die jong man het sy musiektalent by sy oupa aan vaderskant geërf.Die HUB het 'n vaderlike benadering teenoor sy werknemers en probeer altyd om te sien vir hul welstand. -wese.


  1. parental
  2. maternal

Sentence Examples

  1. This was the first time Morrel had ever so spoken, but he said it in a tone of paternal kindness, and Julie did not dare to disobey.
  2. Athos was spirit-guided by the pure serene soul of his son, which aspired to be like the paternal soul.
  3. But the Count of Monte Cristo surrounds me with every paternal care, and I am ignorant of nothing which passes in the world.
  4. Ichabod Crane had a soft and foolish heart towards the sex and it is not to be wondered at that so tempting a morsel soon found favor in his eyes, more especially after he had visited her in her paternal mansion.
  5. At first, while I supposed you satisfied that Colonel Campbell was the giver, I saw it only as paternal kindness, and thought it the most natural thing in the world.
  6. It was rumored that she was an object of almost paternal interest to one of the principal composers of the day, who excited her to spare no pains in the cultivation of her voice, which might hereafter prove a source of wealth and independence.
  7. Cathy loosened up and soon perceived that a paternal streak lurked inside the blue monkey suit.
  8. I will leave the paternal home, I will give up all.
  9. There is evidence of dysfunction in almost every paternal family member over generations and similar traits in many of the women they married.
  10. Oh, I assure you, sir, it was a touching spectacle to see these young creatures, destined by their talents for higher stations, toiling together, and through their unwillingness to change any of the customs of their paternal house, taking six years to accomplish what less scrupulous people would have effected in two or three.