English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pastoraal" is:(byvoeglike naamwoord) wat verband hou met die aanhou of wei van skape of beeste.(byvoeglike naamwoord) wat gebruik word vir of wat verband hou met die aanhou of wei van skape of beeste.(byvoeglike naamwoord) wat verband hou met die platteland of plattelandse lewe, veral op 'n geromantiseerde of geïdealiseerde manier.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n werk van letterkunde, musiek of kuns wat die plattelandse lewe uitbeeld of oproep, gewoonlik op 'n geïdealiseerde of geromantiseerde wyse.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n brief van 'n biskop aan die geestelikes van sy bisdom, wat gewoonlik oor leersake handel. of dissipline.

Sentence Examples

  1. They, persuaded that it was grief at finding himself vanquished, and the object of his heart, the liberation and disenchantment of Dulcinea, unattained, that kept him in this state, strove by all the means in their power to cheer him up the bachelor bidding him take heart and get up to begin his pastoral life, for which he himself, he said, had already composed an eclogue that would take the shine out of all Sannazaro had ever written, and had bought with his own money two famous dogs to guard the flock, one called Barcino and the other Butron, which a herdsman of Quintanar had sold him.
  2. Then there was Luciano from Angola who would need all of his pastoral skills and spiritual perspective for starting up JA in a country coming out of many years of instability.
  3. In a village some two leagues from this, where there are many people of quality and rich gentlefolk, it was agreed upon by a number of friends and relations to come with their wives, sons and daughters, neighbours, friends and kinsmen, and make holiday in this spot, which is one of the pleasantest in the whole neighbourhood, setting up a new pastoral Arcadia among ourselves, we maidens dressing ourselves as shepherdesses and the youths as shepherds.
  4. It is plain that he had at one time an intention of dealing with the pastoral romances as he had dealt with the books of chivalry, and but for Avellaneda he would have tried to carry it out.
  5. What messes, creams, garlands, pastoral odds and ends!
  6. Sabienn saw it as fake but credible documentation that The Master was involved with street health and pastoral care.
  7. The air is filled with the bleating of calves and sheep, and the hustling of oxen, as if a pastoral valley were going by.
  8. I will buy some ewes and everything else requisite for the pastoral calling and, I under the name of the shepherd Quixotize and thou as the shepherd Panzino, we will roam the woods and groves and meadows singing songs here, lamenting in elegies there, drinking of the crystal waters of the springs or limpid brooks or flowing rivers.
  9. Damon and Thyrsis, Phyllis and Chloe had been fairly naturalised in Spain, together with all the devices of pastoral poetry for investing with an air of novelty the idea of a dispairing shepherd and inflexible shepherdess.
  10. Sancho followed on Dapple, together with all the members of the pastoral gathering, eager to see what would be the upshot of his vainglorious and extraordinary proposal.