English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "partytjie" verskeie woordeboekdefinisies, insluitend:'n Sosiale byeenkoms van genooide gaste, wat gewoonlik eet, drink en vermaak behels. 'n Politieke groep of organisasie.'n Persoon of groep wat by 'n bepaalde aktiwiteit of aangeleentheid betrokke is.'n Groep mense wat aan 'n bepaalde aktiwiteit deelneem, soos 'n speletjie of ekspedisie. As 'n werkwoord beteken "partytjie" om 'n partytjie of viering by te woon of daaraan deel te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. With the retirement party over and no more source for season two, I could head back to Los Angeles early.
  2. Are you enjoying the party the college has so thoughtfully thrown?
  3. Though the landscape was intoxicating, I had little time left before the party.
  4. Your mother volunteered to use it to track entry at the retirement party.
  5. Her specialty was literature and theater productions, which made sense given her exaggerated facial expressions at the retirement party.
  6. We were an hour early, but Nana D wanted to check out the tailgate party.
  7. The three of us left the retirement party and scrambled toward the temporary office space.
  8. Nana D had well trained her It was then I realized why Nana D was so willing to drop the conversation at the baseball game about finding Bridget at the tailgate party.
  9. I filled her in on the events at the party before stumbling across Abby Monroe in the stairwell.
  10. She confirmed quickly, suggesting nine in the foyer, when the party ended.

TV Series Examples



Too large a party attracts unwanted attention.