English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "paranoïes" is:Gekenmerk deur of ly aan die geestelike toestand van paranoia, wat 'n aanhoudende en irrasionele wantroue in ander en 'n gevoel is om vervolg of bedreig te word.Uittoon of gekenmerk deur uiterste en irrasionele agterdog of wantroue in ander, dikwels sonder bewyse of regverdiging.Oor die algemeen word die woord "paranoïes" gebruik om 'n gemoedstoestand te beskryf waarin 'n persoon buitensporig agterdogtig of bang is vir ander mense of hul bedoelings, dikwels in 'n irrasionele mate.


  1. paranoiac

Sentence Examples

  1. Nell was being paranoid, but the house is pretty secure.
  2. And Nell fluctuated between paranoid and distant, depending on her mood.
  3. The Alliance was understandably paranoid people would get stupid ideas.
  4. I pushed back my paranoid thoughts and turned to him at the door.
  5. She was staring unsmilingly at him, a picture of sincerity lost to the world, her right to justice under threat from paranoid policemen panicking about what to do next.
  6. Having a father who was a cop made me a little paranoid.
  7. Paranoid thoughts maybe, but then again, maybe not.
  8. Where my mother was sensitive, full of life, and always willing to help others, Sophie tended to be blunt, reserved, and highly suspicious of others to the point where she seemed paranoid.
  9. Her mind was still alight with a variety of paranoid fears when she made it back to her sitting room to find Vivie within.
  10. Maybe I am paranoid, but I could not risk exposing my meetings with Mary.