English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van paranoia is 'n irrasionele agterdog of wantroue van ander, dikwels met die oortuiging dat hulle probeer om jouself skade aan te doen of te bedrieg. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n geestesversteuring wat gekenmerk word deur sulke delusies en irrasionele vermoedens.

Sentence Examples

  1. His mind was swollen with a paranoia that infected his every waking hour and even tormented his sleep.
  2. Jack might knife him like Shane, he had to squelch his paranoia.
  3. This way he could almost forget his paranoia, just focusing on getting stronger, not only for the trial, but for the return of his hunters.
  4. On and on I tramp, looking back every few paces, paranoia rising, pumping through my veins.
  5. Paranoia and anxiety plagued him and the nightmares of the shadow-woman with purple eyes haunted his sleep more and more.
  6. Paranoia kicks in, all my senses alert, and my heart beats that much faster.
  7. As much as he tried to push it from his mind the paranoia would surge right back, but perhaps paranoia would save his life if it happened again.
  8. Evan just put it down to his ever-increasing paranoia and continued the training.
  9. Setting himself the task also distracted Evan from his paranoia.