English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pall" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike betekenisse:'n Doek wat oor 'n kis of lykswa gesprei is: In hierdie sin verwys "pall" na 'n stuk stof, gewoonlik swart, wat oor gedrapeer word 'n kis of 'n lykswa as 'n teken van rou.Om vervelig of oninteressant te word: Wanneer iets vermoeiend of vervelig word, kan gesê word dat dit "pall." Byvoorbeeld, "Die voortdurende herhaling van dieselfde grappe het die gehoor begin raak."Om krag of effektiwiteit te verloor: As iets sy krag of impak verloor, kan dit wees gesê vir "pall." Byvoorbeeld, "Die opwinding van die wedstryd het begin afneem namate dit oortyd ingegaan het."'n Swaar lapbedekking: In sommige kontekste kan "pall" verwys na 'n swaar lapbedekking, soos 'n kombers of tjalie.'n Somber atmosfeer: "Pall" kan ook gebruik word om 'n gevoel van donkerte of somberheid te beskryf, soos in "A pall of rook het ná die brand oor die stad gehang."


  1. drapery
  2. curtain
  3. mantle
  4. drape

Sentence Examples

  1. The minutes passed Madame de Villefort could not drop the curtain which she held like a funeral pall over the head of Valentine.
  2. Six Delaware girls, with their long, dark, flowing tresses falling loosely across their bosoms, stood apart, and only gave proof of their existence as they occasionally strewed sweet-scented herbs and forest flowers on a litter of fragrant plants that, under a pall of Indian robes, supported all that now remained of the ardent, high-souled, and generous Cora.
  3. A silence fell over us like a pall and I let it lay there.
  4. Oh, my friend John, but it was butcher work had I not been nerved by thoughts of other dead, and of the living over whom hung such a pall of fear, I could not have gone on.
  5. Fogg re-appeared in the reading-room and sat down to the Pall Mall at twenty minutes before six.
  6. A great crowd was collected in Pall Mall and the neighbouring streets on Saturday evening it seemed like a multitude of brokers permanently established around the Reform Club.
  7. A swirling dirty veil of soot and ash formed a column that stretched up into the sky, adding to the pall of smog from other burning buildings.
  8. So much so that all the rest seemed to take courage, as if infected somewhat with her gaiety as a result even I myself felt as if the pall of gloom which weighs us down were somewhat lifted.
  9. Six bronze, leaf-shaped handles awaited an equal number of pall bearers who stood nearby, dressed in the same uniform as many in the crowd.
  10. Some sort of shadowy pall seems to be coming over our happiness.