English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "pakket" 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks:'n Toegedraaide of verpakte voorwerp of stel voorwerpe, dikwels vir vervoer of verkoop . Voorbeeld: Ek het 'n pakkie in die pos ontvang wat 'n boek en 'n t-hemp bevat.'n Stel verwante items, wat dikwels saam as 'n eenheid verkoop word. Voorbeeld: Die vakansiepakket sluit vliegkaartjies, hotelverblyf en aktiwiteite in.'n Bedrag van iets, dikwels saamgebondel vir gerief of doeltreffendheid. Voorbeeld: Die sagtewarepakket bevat verskeie programme vir woordverwerking en sigbladanalise.As 'n werkwoord beteken "pakket" om iets toe te draai of saam te bundel, tipies vir vervoer of verkoop . Voorbeeld: Die werkers het die items versigtig verpak voordat hulle gestuur is om verskeep te word.


  1. box

Sentence Examples

  1. As yet we have passed only a few open boats, but none of them had on board any box or package of anything like the size of the one we seek.
  2. Then Shirley extracts a gift-wrapped package from her paper bag and hands it to her friend.
  3. At five minutes before eight, Passepartout, hatless, shoeless, and having in the squabble lost his package of shirts and shoes, rushed breathlessly into the station.
  4. CJ was physically slight, but strikingly beautiful, and her long, luxurious jet black hair and dark eyes presented a deceptive package.
  5. Money was handed out the window in exchange for a package.
  6. She produced a small package, opening it to reveal a sweet, dark surprise.
  7. I finally have enough distance to see the whole package, so I take in the view of that man.
  8. He had come here to take what was rightfully his, and now this lovely little package presented a complication.
  9. I dashed over there, tore open the package, and chewed a couple of plump almonds.
  10. The cupcake she was eating looked good, chocolate cake, chocolate frosting, but the two-cake package on her desk was already empty and it was, presumably, the second of the pair she was making short work of.